OK. They don't believe in science. No vaccine, OK. But also, they will also have to forgo cars, electricity, TV, computers, cell phones, penicillin, aspirin, running shoes--the list is endless.

All things produced by that vicious stupid science.

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We should hold them to it. Make vaccination a requirement for getting a driver's license, entering stores, engaging in contracts for business (cell phones), and on. If they don't like science, let them live without science.

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I sure WISH science was an area we could all agree on. A recent YouGov poll it's been doing for many years confirms a long-term trend. MOST Republicans don't "believe" in science. I think it was 56% that reject science. And it's been trending that way for decades. Hence our problems with COVID and the climate crisis and health care in general and education and a million other areas. They are fact free. Scary.

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I saw that poll. It’s insane. But one thing I’m hoping that we can use their ignorance against them and get them to rally for things that they don’t realize our science, such as space travel travel. They do like their rockets, perhaps because it reminds them of weapons, I don’t know lol Are we should use space travel as an example of the kind of thing we can get them to rally around and they have no idea that are actually inspiring kids towards science. But it is seriously F’d up that half of the door if I believe in science anymore. That’s insane. They’re insane.

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"We can use their ignorance against them and get them to rally for things they don't realize are science." Hahahahahahahaha. Rockets DO seem like weapons!

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