Aug 4, 2021Liked by John Aravosis

I agree wholeheartedly. But I don't want to fall into the Tucker Carlson lie that liberals demand instant and forever woke-ness and purity politics. You can always find some crazy person on TikTok or Twitter saying something crazy. But in general I find most progressives -- as is their nature -- to put things into context, to forgive, to listen and to appreciate those who are learning and growing and working to be better allies. People like Matt Damon! Now the rapper DaBaby, on the other hand, has a history of obnoxious and anti-gay comments. So when he makes yet another obnoxious comment about people with AIDS and then sort-of apologizes by mocking the idea of apologizing and then when he starts to lose festival bookings tries to really apologize, yes, smart people expect him to do the work and show some growth and remorse before giving him a pass, due to his history. Tucker may think we're unforgiving scolds demanding 100% perfection, but outside the echo chamber of social media, I don't think it's true.

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