The thing is you don't unify that, because you cannot. It is not going to happen. Also there are a lot more factions than just these. The main-stream democrats are not like the pc white leftists who are different from the mexies and the blacks. The libertarians, the old economic republicans, the rednecks, and the racists are all different. Break up the country and let the various factions have their pieces.

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Ok. America is just plain OVER. This is not going to work. People just have to break-up and form their own polities in which they can live a life and be governed according to their values, religions, ethnicities, lifestyles etc. The factions are incompatible, the differences irreconcilable, the divide an unbridgeable chasm, a split inevitable. Let each faction go its own way so as not to be under another's thumb, lest each be upon the other's throat.

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"n’importe quoi" -- quoting French! Just daring the Republicans to make jokes. :) And some day the Republicans might be back in power...as in, god help us, 2022. It's very disturbing to see how the bulk of Republican congresspeople still refuse to accept the results of a free and fair election as confirmed by two Republican Attorney Generals, the Republican chosen by Trump to oversee cybersecurity, certified by the Republican congress, upheld by Republican judges and the Republican dominated Supreme Court and confirmed by Fox News and the Chamber of Congress and major conservative business leaders. Until that happens, any media stories about the lack of unity should hammer away at that fact. And looking at the state level it seems the Republican Party is full-on QAnon. Yikes.

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What's happening with the local Republican parties worries me as wekk. Several of them have always been nuts: Tennessee, Arizona. But now they're even worse. And you're right, the GOP's embrace, or at least tolerance, of QAnon, is nuts as well. They make the Tea Party look practically tame.

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