The Week in News
The Delta variant is the big story. But are Republicans shifting their messaging to blaming Biden for Trump's mistakes?
The Delta variant continues to be the big story, with Covid cases and, most importantly, hospitalizations growing significantly in July. (Hospitalization matter more than cases, because mild cases are irrelevant — but only serious cases get hospitalized. So when you see a jump in hospitalizations, it means a jump in serious illness.)
Here are some national numbers:

Missouri continues to be a hot mess, and even California isn’t doing well:

Here’s a thread on Missouri, click through to read all of it:

And Florida has quickly become Covid Central, again:

As for GOP messaging around Covid, I’m sensing a shift from “it’s a hoax that isn’t that deadly” to “oh my God, it’s killing everyone and Biden is to blame!” It’s subtle, and maybe I’m wrong, but I’m sensing a change in message from the online social media trolls and from some Republicans in Congress.
For example, Louisiana US Senator Bill Cassidy is now blaming Biden’s “partisanship” for low vaccination rates in Louisiana. As if!

Then there’s this from the National Review. If only Democrats were nicer to Trump voters.
Call me crazy, but normal people don’t care if the guy throwing you a life preserver is showing sufficient “respect.” (I WAS going to let you save my life, but now I’m going to drown because I’ve thought about it, and you’ve been a little TOO insistent about stopping me from killing myself.)
In other news, sharks can’t be persuaded if they feel disrespected:
I’ve also seen a number of social media trolls shift from their usual talking point — that Covid “only” kills 2% of the people who get it, to “Biden has killed more people than Trump!”
First, the 2% claim. It sounds about right, but it’s hiding a simple fact that 2% deaths from a virus is an incredibly high number (the flu has around 0.1% deaths, that’s 20x less deadly). Think about it. Two percent of the US population is nearly 7 million people dying in one year. The flu normally kills up to 60,000 in a year. Seven million is is more deaths than the number of Jews Hitler killed by the Nazis in the Holocaust. It’s 15x the number of dead, on both sides, during the Civil War. It’s seventeen times the US war dead in World War II.
And, considering the normal number of Americans who die annually — a little under 3 million — adding 7 million more deaths in that same year would triple the number of dead we normally see in our country on an annual basis.
Losing 7 million Americans overnight is not “no big deal.
Now, as for Biden being responsible for those who have died — yeah, not so much. 400,000 American died from Covid under Trump. Another 200,000 have died under Biden. So right there, Trump does worse than Biden. But Covid deaths were accelerating as Trump left office, because Trump did such a horrible job with vaccine roll out, but he also mocked social distancing and mask wearing. It was only after Biden turned things around that the death rate dropped. And now, the people dying are the unvaccinated, many of whom listened to the disinformation coming from Trump and the Republicans. So, again, it’s Trump’s fault.
As for where we go from here, France has taken a novel approach — banning people from public life if they don’t show they’re vaccinated:

President Biden has also upped the pressure on social media companies like Facebook, accusing them of “killing people” by tolerating anti-vaccine propaganda on their site. And here’s what White House press secretary Jen Psaki noted:

Then there’s this:
Facebook then issued a series of statements that read like they’d been written by a petulant 19-year-old — or Sean Spicer:

It’s been a year since John Lewis died
Marjorie Taylor Green and Matt Gaetz get punked
This is glorious.
Neat story about a tile maker in Egypt
Southern Republicans want to secede

Southern Republicans are welfare queens who can’t afford to secede

To help you keep the Trumps straight

What a gorgeous photo of an old Chicago train station

I’m going to close with that. Hope you had a great weekend. And we’re off to another busy week, starting tomorrow. See ya. JOHN