Patent-free Covid vaccine offered to the world
Prof. Peter Hotez and his team created their own Covid vaccine, and are offering it to the world for free, patent-free. And other news...
Dr. Hotez creates patent-free Covid vaccine that developing countries can use for free

A neat story from Free Texas about one of the Covid-hero doctors, Prof. Peter Hotez, who is routinely vilified by the right for providing his expertise on CNN. Hotez and his team created their own Covid vaccine, and are offering it to the world for free, and patent-free. They’ve already got a partnership with India.
Zoo kills endangered tiger after cleaning guy tries to pet it
A cleaning service guy with a Florida zoo snuck into the tiger area, climbed over the fencing, and stuck his hand through the bars to try to either pet, or hand-feed, a critically-endangered tiger that then tried to eat his arm. The tiger was shot and killed. There are only 200 of these tigers in the wild. I hope this man goes to prison.
Marjorie Taylor Green is trying to get Democrats killed
90% of US Covid deaths are among the unvaccinated
Since April of this year, when every American adult became eligible for the vaccine, over 90% of US Covid deaths have been among the unvaccinated.
But that isn’t stopping Republicans from blaming Biden
The latest GOP talking point is blaming President Biden for how “bad” Covid is this year. What they fail to mention is, as noted above, Covid is only bad among unvaccinated Republicans who are listening to the GOP elites in Washington and on Fox News who are telling them not to get vaccinated.
The US dumbed-down its Covid quarantine guidelines
I’m unsure about this one. The CDC issued new Covid quarantine guidelines that they admit were based in part on whether people would comply with a more stringent standard. In other words, they watered down the recommendations because people are morons. On one hand, I’m not thrilled that this stuff isn’t being wholly based on science. But on the other, what’s the point of issuing guidelines that you fear most people won’t abide by. I’m not sure what to do with this one. You?
Guy named Mehmet suddenly discovers he doesn’t like foreigners with funny names
Mehmet Cengiz Öz, aka Dr. Oz, who is from New Jersey, but running for Senate from Pennsylvania as a Trumper, recently tried to claim that Pennsylvania was a border state being inundated by presumably-illegal immigrants. The story he linked to says no such thing. I think what’s going on is that a guy named Mehmet, brought up in a Muslim family, is trying to get Trump voters to forget his name is Mehmet.
This is just odd
The wife of Madison Cawthorn’s chief of staff was very worried on January 3rd that the January 6th Trump rally at the White House, a good three miles way from the US Capitol building, was going to endanger the lives of everyone inside the Capitol. Why did she thinks this when no one else did?
Former Democratic Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid died
I don’t have any of my own personal Reid stories from the Senate, but I’m going to link to some other really nice ones out there. This is a particularly moving thread. And my good friend Ari wrote this twitter-thread eulogy of Reid, that’s also pretty neat.
And it finally snowed in Chicago!
$25b to vaccinate the world if we'd steamrolled over Big Pharma and just made it available. That cost would have been divided among major countries. How much are multiple shutdowns and endless variants costing the US alone?
The recent CDC guidance relaxation gets a nope from me. The science needs to be upheld whether they think people will follow it or not. What becomes the tipping point for changing rules - if 50% of the people will comply it stays as is, but if 51% won't, time to change it?