Why is Peter Navarro still a professor at UC-Irvine?
Trump's trade adviser went off on a rant this morning, insisting Trump won the election, accusing Democrats of committing "violence," and suggesting that Chinese immigrants are experts at censorship.
UPDATE: The business school at the University of California - Irvine has issued a statement claiming they no longer have any association with Peter Navarro, and they just removed him from the faculty director on the university’s Web site. But not so fast…
First, here is the university’s statement:
Note the university says that Navarro “is not expected to return to UCI.” That suggests that the door is open, should Navarro wish to return.
And here is the current page for Navarro’s profile on the Web site:
This is what was on the page an hour ago:
Regardless, Peter Navarro remains a professor emeritus at the University of California - Irvine, and his ongoing association with the university is prominently noted in the first paragraph of his wikipedia page. Also, up until 12 hours ago, he was listed in the Faculty Director. That suggests some kind of ongoing relationship with the university. Deleting a Web page doesn’t change that fact.
Only eight days after a deadly terrorist attack on the US Capitol building by Trump supporters incited by the “election fraud” lies and angry rhetoric of Donald Trump, his top advisers, and Republicans in Congress, Trump trade adviser Peter Navarro went on Fox News and repeated the same lies and angry rhetoric that helped lead to violence in the first place. (Full transcript below.)

Navarro, who also serves as Professor Emeritus of Economics and Public Policy at the University of California - Irvine’s Paul Merage School of Business (he was a professor there before joining Trump’s White House), accused Democrats today of committing “violence” by impeaching Donald Trump, repeated the lie that Democrats had stolen the election from Trump, and then added: “I’ve never been more pissed off in my life at this place, and I think there are 74 million Americans out there who voted for President Trump who feel exactly the same way.”
Later, Navarro ominously warned that “the people of this country, the Trump people, are not gonna stand for this.”
Navarro went on to suggest that Facebook’s Mark Zuckerberg hired “Chinese nationals, members of the Chinese Communist Party,” and “put ‘em to work learning how to censor the President.” There are 3,000 or so Chinese students at the University of California - Irvine who might wonder why their professor believes that Chinese tech specialists are per se experts on censorship.
Navarro then went on an even weirder tangent, claiming that Congressman Eric Swalwell (D-CA) “slept his way up the coast of California.’ Navarro concluded by offering his opinion of Democrats on Capitol Hill: “I mean, these people disgust me. Disgust me.”
Why is this man still a professor at the University of California - Irvine? To make these comments on a day when the FBI Director is warning about a massive uptick in extremist chatter, and possible multiple terror plots on the horizon. Who would go on TV and talk like this, now?
Please read the full transcript of Navarro’s remarks below. Then contact the University of California - Irvine and let them know how you feel about Peter Navarro serving as a professor at the University.
UC-Irvine main Twitter account: @UCIrvine
UC-Irvine Paul Merage School of Business: @UCIrvine_MBA
UC-Irvine Chancellor Howard Gillman: chancellor@uci.edu
UC-Irvine Board of Regents: regentsoffice@ucop.edu
UC-Irvine Dean of Students Rameen Talesh: @DeanRameen
UC-Irvine Business School Dean Ian Williamson: @IanOWilliamson
UC Chair of Board of Regents John A. Pérez: @JohnAPerez
UC Vice Chair of Board of Regents Cecilia Estolan: Cecilia@EstolanoAdvisors.com
Here’s the full transcript of Navarro’s remarks to Fox News’ Maria Bartiromo, referring to the US House impeaching Donald Trump for a historic second time:
PETER NAVARRO: I would be remiss by not saying to you, Maria, that what happened yesterday was a travesty. The Democratic party did violence to this country by attacking a president who I believe was legally elected on November 3. If the election were held today, he’d be elected again. And if he runs in 2024, he will be elected then. And I think that’s what the Democrats fear. I’ve never been more pissed off in my life at this place, and I think there are 74 million Americans out there who voted for President Trump who feel exactly the same way. So I would say to these people on Capitol Hill, ‘knock it off, stop this, let the man leave peacefully, with his dignity.’….
FOX NEWS’ MARIA BARTIROMO: We know there were irregularities in this election. We know that 70% of Trump voters have said ‘we’re not buying this election, we think it was rigged.’ But get this, you cannot say that on social media. You will get banned.
NAVARRO: You can’t say it anywhere, Maria.
BARTIROMO: If you say there were irregularities, if you say there was fraud. It’s absolutely outrageous. This feels more like Chinese communist, like Communist China than it does America, that they have the ability to stomp out free speech, Peter.
(The continuation of the interview is on Fox News’ Web site, below is the continuation of the conversation where Navarro responds to Bartiromo’s comments about China.)
NAVARRO: It’s the great firewall of Silicon Valley. And let’s not forget that Mark Zuckerberg hired Chinese nationals, members of the Chinese Communist Party with experience building a great firewall in China, censoring Chinese citizens, so they can imprison them. He brought them over here on H1 visas, I assume, put ‘em to work learning how to censor the President of the [United States]. Maria, this has gotta stop. What Congress is doing right now, they’re turning a divide in a 50-50 country into a chasm, okay. The people of this country, the Trump people, are not gonna stand for this. And if Pelosi and Schiff and Swalwell — my God, Eric Swalwell should never darken the doorway of Capitol Hill. I mean he slept his way up the coast of California with a Chinese spy, and as she was sleeping with him, she was sleeping with mayors from north to south. I mean, these people disgust me. Disgust me. And that spectacle yesterday… you get my drift.
One year later and it's much worse. I just submitted a request to the site admin to get info. on why his UCI faculty page is still up.