The Week in News
Facebook has just suspended Trump for two years. That, and other news, in today's weekly roundup. Enjoy.
Another busy week. Let’s start with the news that Facebook banned Trump for another two years!
Facebook bans Trump, for now
Facebook announced today (Friday) that it was suspending Donald Trump’s account until January 6, 2023, at which time they will reconsider the ban. You’ll recall that Facebook banned Trump after the Insurrection, and that Trump appealed. Trump lost the appeal, sort of. The review board determined that Facebook hadn’t made clear what the status of Trump’s account was — it wasn’t actually banned, it was suspended, but Facebook didn’t indicate for how long. The board threw the decision back to Facebook, telling them to decide whether Trump should be let back on, banned permanently, or suspended for a set period of time. Today, Facebook decided that a suspension would continue for two years, and then be reviewed.
While Facebook is trying to split the baby in half, suspending Trump but also indicating that he “may” be able to come back if he behaves himself — good luck with that — Trumpers surely won’t see the decision that way. They, and Republican members of Congress who genuflect to Trump’s every word (Ted Cruz, Josh Hawley and Ms. Lindsey come to mind), will use this decision to further attack social media companies.
If Trump runs again in 2024, Facebook will find itself under some internal pressure to reinstate his account, as Trump would likely spending millions in advertising on Facebook, as he did during the previous two elections. It’s hard to believe that Facebook would turn down cold hard cash for the good of the country, but a girl can dream.
Support Texas Democrats
Democrats in Texas just barely stopped Republicans in that state from passing a draconian voter suppression law last week. But Texas’ Republican governor has promised to bring the legislature back for a special session a few months from now, during which they will again try to pass the bill that would make it harder for Blacks and Latinos, in particular, to vote. I’ve set up a joint fundraising page so that you can support the Texas Democratic party and my work. Please check it out, and donate if you can. Thanks.
Simply stunning
Pence distances self from Trump, slightly
Mike Pence gave a speech last night (Thursday) in which he said he doesn’t “see eye to eye” with Trump about the Insurrection. That’s a fascinating admission from Pence, who is so tightly wound and scripted that nothing leaves his mouth that isn’t strictly intentional. It’s no secret that Pence wants to be president, and apparently, he thinks it helps him (with whom?) to distance himself slightly from Trump, at least in so far as January 6th is concerned.
This is one more data point that shows that Republicans remain pretty freaked out about the lingering damage that the Insurrection could cause them in future elections. Democrats need to double down on their messaging about January 6, and never let the Republicans, or the voters, forget that they’re the party of treason.
Ah, memories
Facebook did that thing the other day where it brings up images you’ve posted a few years back. It brought up this photo, which I’d totally forgotten about. Man, it still makes me chuckle. (And it’s SO well done.)
Two US Capitol cops speak out about the Insurrection
Two US Capitol police officers spoke out, emotionally, yesterday for the first time about the trauma that they endured during the January 6th attack on the Capitol. It’s a moving interview.

Biden’s job growth trumps Trump
For all the lies about how Donald Trump’s economy grew faster than Barack Obama’s — it didn’t, Obama had more job and GDP growth — now Joe Biden has more job growth than Trump too!

The Liberation of Rome: June 4, 1944 - Two days before D-Day
Not a sucker or loser among them.
Scathing National Review piece about Trump’s “delusions”
The National Review just published a scathing piece about Trump’s electoral “delusions.” Notably, the fact that Trump is telling people he’s going to be back in the Oval Office as president come this August. Let me share a little of the article — it’s SCATHING:
Now, I don’t think this one piece is going to change the world. But when most Republicans have chosen to embrace Trump, warts and all, it’s interesting that the National Review would go there. Apparently, some smidgen of resistance lives on.
Amazing image of RFK
Trump supporters duped into sharing image of Oswald
Yes, it’s sophomoric. But how can you not laugh?
What’s an NFT?
This is a bit esoteric, but it made me chuckle. It’s a comic explanation as to what a Non-Fungible Token, or NFT, is.
Easy way to get a vaccine
If you know anyone who still hasn’t gotten a Covid shot, and is confused about where to go, send them this.

Man, there was a lot today. I’m going to close with this wonderful video of a dog and a deer playing together in someone’s backyard. The intelligence exhibited by the deer is pretty remarkable (I had no idea they were this social).
Enjoy the weekend.